Googling revealed several blog posts for Leopard. The first of which I encountered was, How To Install PEAR in Mac OS X Leopard. The first instruction is not consistent with the version of PHP distributed with Lion, which prompted this blog article. I received the following error:
Sorry! Your PHP version is too new (5.3.6) for this go-pear.If you are using Lion, follow these instructions for completing the installation process for pear.
Instead use for a more stable and current
version of go-pear, more suited to your PHP version.
The first step is downloading the pear PHAR. Make sure that you execute this command in a directory where you have write permissions. I chose my home directory.
Next, run go-pear to complete the installation process of the library.curl > go-pear.phar
When prompted with the installation locations, change the "Installation base" setting to /usr/local/pear. Press enter, and watch the installation complete.sudo php -q go-pear.phar
As documented in the installation instructions in the posting, How To Install PEAR in Mac OS X Leopard, you will need to create the php.ini. (I am documenting the steps here for completeness.)
Copy php.ini.default to php.ini.
Next, edit the php.ini file.sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini
Lastly, update the php.ini configuration to include following line to reference pear libraries.sudo vi /etc/php.ini
Restart your Apache server or run your PHP script. Everything should work as expected.include_path = ".:/usr/local/pear/share/pear"